©2017 "DAD'S LUNCH BOX" Film Partners
Join PSSCA for another fundraiser movie night!
When: March 10, 2024 2:00 PM
Where: The Judy (1000 SW Broadway T-100, Portland, OR 97205)
Price: $5.00
Opening Short Film
Side-by-Side: A Beer Collaboration
By Elijah Sprints
Japanese, Danish and Portland brewmasters meet, discuss respective styles and passions for the art of brewing beer. 6 minute film with an introduction by its filmmaker, Elijah Sprints.
Feature Film
(76 min)
Dad’s Lunch Box
Directed by Masakasu Fukatsu
(Shown in Japanese with English subtitles)
This wonderful, heart warming film was inspired by the real-life story of a Japanese father who, for the three years his daughter spent at high school, prepared a daily bento lunch box for her – leading to delicious, interesting or offbeat creations. In all cases, he put an effort into equipping his daughter with sustenance for school….and life.
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